Category: Doing Digital History 2014
Reflections on visualization
I am not very good at this, sad to say. I can do the word clouds and such from a text, but when it comes to dealing with data . . . Loaded the data set into Viewshare but could not quite figure out how to get usable views. The church seemed to have too…
Using non-textual sources
Well, I would write about using material culture sources here, but since this is digital history and we did soundscapes and music today, I know we are supposed to talk about that. As it happens, I do use a lot of music for teaching, particularly in my 20th Century U.S. Culture course. For this course…
thinking about my course
One of the points in the early readings that has stayed with me is the need to have students reflect about how doing history digitally differs from more traditional methods, and how it can change the way we do history. So I’m thinking that my course, which is for undergraduates will have a 3-part structure…
Digital History Project
So, my project is not as groovy as a lot of the ones I heard about today. It is specifically teaching-oriented. I want to create a home site for my Digital History/Humanities course, with readings, schedule, etc. It’s not glamorous, but it does have a degree of urgency, since I am introducing this course starting…